Bridal Shower Bliss

I am blessed.  Simple as that, folks.  My shower was this past Saturday and I couldn't have asked for a better day to celebrate my big day.

Gifts Galore....Ummm....still unpacking!

Beautiful Bridesmaids

Maid of Honor

Flower Girl Playing with the Gifts
LOVED the Wrapping Paper!

Mi Madre and Her Wonderful Gift!
I guess I'm finally a bride!                          

The 'Belle' of the Ball

I have been asked MANY times if Jon and I are planning in to include our little bundle of joy in our wedding.  And, c'mon folks.  If you know us at all, you should know what a stupid question that is. 

With this couldn't you!
I've been 'surfing' the web trying to find a purple satin dress (so she can match our flower girls of course) and landed this crazy great deal on Ebay of all places!  $9.99....and the best part.  Free shipping.  And the even better best part, the seller donates 10% of all proceeds to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Click here to Enlarge
Next task:  figuring how to attach teeny tiny peacock feathers......thoughts?

Totally un-blog related, but the seller actually specializes in pet jewelry & I had to attach this pic.  Fucking cute.  But Belle is still WAAAAY cuter.

Yes, this pup is wearing a doggie neclace. And you thought I was crazy?


RESOLVED: Pre-Wedding Thank You Notes...

We recently got our FIRST wedding gift in the mail and let me just tell we were super pumped!  It's like your birthday and Christmas all wrapped up into one everytime you walk up to your front door and see that beautiful UPS box sitting there. 

After we opened the gift and got all of our new silverware all put away, I realized....shit.  I don't have thank you cards yet! 

I went to Target and perused the card aisle which ended in disappointment because with my over the top personality, nothing generic is quite good enough. 

A few days later, here I was sitting at my dining room table having total deja vu of the fiasco that was our homemade wedding invitations.  Yes, they turned out fucking phenomenal, but not without much lost sleep due to crazy anxiety for several weeks.  Lucky for me, I had already laid the creative groundwork for what was to come....

Hot Glue Gun (leftover from the invites)
Glue Dots(leftovers)
Small Peacock Feathers (leftovers)
Metallic Gold Paper (leftovers)
Dark Purple Ribbon - $3
Ivory Blank Greeting Card Kit - $10
0.5 mm Black Sharpie - $3
TOTAL - $16!!
Love Them!

And there ya have it.  Matching thank you notes to the fantastic invites.  Best part:  under $20 bucks.

Peacock thank you cards....yes please.

Survey says.......Solid VS Paisley Ties?

I desperately need my small congregation of followers to help me in deciding which ties to choose for our oh so foxy groomsmen, dad's and brothers.  A few facts I think you should know....the flower girls will be in dark purple polka dot dresses....ring bearers in solid dark purple bow ties and suspenders.  I know, fucking cute.

Now, to sketch a picture of what our men will be wearing:  Khaki suits with light pinstripe pattern....a little like this....

They will have this pinned on the lapel....

Now, here's where I need YOUR help....solid dark purple tie or dark purple paisley?

The fiance & I are divided on  this one....he loes paisley, I love solid.  Help us form a truce.